2025 Information is not yet available. For reference check out the information from 2024 below:
Public Transportation
Designated rideshare pick-up and drop-off areas are available onsite just outside of the main festival entrance (Entrance A). This area also doubles as the dedicated pick-up and drop-off area for our Accessibility Program guests.
Please visit the City of Georgetown’s Transit page for some transportation options during Two Step Inn.
Shuttles are available to the festival grounds. Reservations are required. Please visit the following page to make a reservation for the shuttle. Shuttle Tickets are separate from festival tickets and must be reserved or purchased directly from Universe. Please reach out to access@twostepinn.com if you need any specific shuttle accommodations.
Parking is not available on the festival grounds. Please see the Georgetown Downtown Parking information here, but do note that San Gabriel Park is not directly adjacent to downtown Georgetown.